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  • 产地:日本
  • 上架时间:11-12-22 10:55
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A wide range of test forces from 1.961N to 490.3N* (.2kgf - 50kgf) is available for measuring a wide variety of specimens. The load duration can be set in 1sec increments between 5 and 99sec. The minimum reading of indentation is 0.1. It allows small indentations to be measured with high precision.
Function: Control unit
Back-lit LCD graphic display for Indentation size (D1 and D2), Hardness value and scale, Number of measurement point Test conditions (HV/HK indenter type, test force, load duration), GO/±NG tolerance judgment, Cylindrical and spherical surface compensation and offset
Remote control of power turret
Conversion to other hardness scales
Statistical processing